1.Analysts said the price cuts demanded of suppliers were the largest in the company's recent history.
2.Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U. S. did not fight a war.
3.As a top lawyer, he would be in a position to ensure that none of Russia's recent history was falsified.
4.It was as if this man had known her recent history; yet he was a total stranger.
5.With its recent history of turmoil and military coups, that country is hardly in a happy state at the moment.
6.The best way to help local farmers, recent history suggests, is to leave well enough alone.
7."It was the most dramatic moment in recent history -- that was something we could feel, " he said.
8.It was probably one of the few times in the recent history of Europe that someone claimed to be a Jew to avoid persecution.
9.He said the war theme was a novel concept that has nothing to do with Lebanon's recent history.
10.One of the best illustrations of this cycle in recent history can be found in the design choices around the presentation layer.